OHIP billing tips for optimizing practice efficiency
OHIP billing is complicated and the COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it frequent changes to billing codes. That’s why we’ve updated our popular on-demand webinar “Billing Code Basics”!
In this webinar, we will cover billing codes on a broad basis to appeal to doctors in all patient enrolment models including FHOs, FHGS, and fee for service doctors. We will go through how you can optimize your current billings.
Watch the webinar to learn more about:
- The various income streams in a FHO, FHG and FFS model – we get a lot of questions from doctors who aren’t always clear about the different payment streams that are available to them in the model that they’re practicing in.
- The main billing codes, bonus premiums, and often missed codes – we’ll talk about how to bill for these codes and ways that you can take advantage of them to help maximize your revenue.
- COVID-19 OHIP billing codes – we’ll clarify what the new virtual codes are and how to bill for COVID-19 vaccine and sessional fee codes.
This is a complimentary, high-value seminar to improve your practice – and your bottom line.
You have the tools to earn more. It’s just a matter of learning how to use them.
Want to have access to the latest billing updates as they are announced?
Subscribe to our monthly DoctorCare newsletter here where we share the latest billing updates and how we can help.
You can also visit the OHIP bulletin here for any billing updates.
Have questions about how to bill for certain codes? We can help!